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Which one would you choose for your flooring?


Clear Bar


"A breakthrough product in the design vinyl industry" Moduleo David Bigland M.D.
"If you are looking for the perfect finish to a design vinyl floor, the All In One Bar is your only solution." Headlam Group, Andy Howes M.D.
"...the future of door bars..."  Tomorrow's Flooring Magazine


Our "All In One Bar"

Up until now, it seems unbelievable how limited the choice has been when making that final finishing join to a beautiful floor. Brass and silver door bars have become the norm and awkwardly join many a floor with their over imposing bulk. That time has now ended!


Our "All In One Bar " is manufactured from "Transparent - Polycarbonate "Our "All In One Bar " Is Extremely hardwearing, impact resistant and suitable for any room in our home and also commercial environment's and our "All In One Bar " can be used with all LVT vinyl flooring. The market leaders in the industry herald the "All In One Bar" as a ‘breakthrough’ product.


THE ALL IN ONE BAR is the only way to ensure a seamless finish to any design flooring theme.


"A breakthrough product in the design vinyl flooring industry"

David Bigland, Managing Director, Moduleo


"If you are looking for the perfect finish to a design vinyl floor, the All In One Bar is your only solution."

Andy Howes, Managing Director, Headlam Group,


"Tomorrow's Flooring is all about the future of our industry. Maybe, just maybe the "All In One Bar " Is the future of door bars"

Tomorrow's Flooring Magazine

Unrolling the Carpet


Home Deck


Ceramic Tiles


The perfect match

No more need for brass or chrome door bars

By changing to a Clear "All In One Bar" you will ensure that your premium LVT floor can flow through your home with no unattractive breaks that spoil the overall look of your design floor like brass and silver can.


The Clear "All In One Bar" Bar is a high impact, shatter resistant polycarbonate that is now installed in thousands of homes with everyone agreeing that it is a genius invention and finishes their designer floors perfectly.


Why spend thousands of pounds on a beautiful vinyl theme for your home, and then finish it off with something that just doesn't do it justice?


As you can see, the Clear Bar is suitable for any room in your home.

©2017 Style Profiles

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